14, Sep 2019

I have been working on this book, Return to Buck Mountain, as a sequel to my first book, Tales From Buck Mountain, for several years, and hope to put it to the publisher this year.  For my last column in this series I thought I would leave a bit of it with you first. …

7, Sep 2019

My turkey book is going to press this fall, titled Broken Promises.   Here is part of the introduction. BROKEN PROMISES © 2019 Walt Hampton It is the conundrum of my life, the life-conflict in my heart and my guts that I have to pursue and kill that which I love…

31, Aug 2019
MEAT by Walt Hampton

MEAT © 2019 Walt Hampton *This is a long one, but important to me.  Several years ago a family member ask me to provide some advice for his daughter, who was graduating high school and headed off to college.  This young lady is intelligent and beautiful–but being a ‘middle child’…

24, Aug 2019
FOR THE TABLE by Walt Hampton

FOR THE TABLE © 2019 Walt Hampton Among my favorite pastimes is eating. I make no apologies for it, I am a food junkie.  Here I am talking about home cooking, not restaurant food; and although I have an affinity for the finer things, to be sure, it is the…

17, Aug 2019
PHOTOGRAPHY by Walt Hampton

PHOTOGRAPHY © 2019 Walt Hampton *Certainly one of the best ways to remember our Appalachian home is through photography.  During the first 20 years of my writing for the outdoor market I used 35mm film cameras, then suddenly the magazines needed digital images.  Digital is wonderful; honestly I don’t know…

10, Aug 2019
MOTHER’S HANDS by Walt Hampton

MOTHER’S HANDS © 2019 Walt Hampton It would take a few volumes to talk about my mother, her childhood, education and life, and to try to encapsulate her in a column such as this is useless; let me just say that when it comes to mothers, I had a great…

3, Aug 2019

FAVORITE PLACES ©2019 Walt Hampton If you have spent much time on this planet eventually you will accumulate a few locations that stick in the memory, places that for some reason or other strike a chord.  From my own experience I could regale you with stories of Alaska or Wyoming,…

27, Jul 2019
PUBLIC LAND by Walt Hampton

PUBLIC LAND © 2019 Walt Hampton Within Appalachia there are several types of public land, whose access and management is controlled by different agencies, both state and federal.  Even within those parcels of land that fall under one agency there may be land that is controlled by a separate agency;…

20, Jul 2019
LET’S GO TO THE RIVER! by Walt Hampton

LET’S GO TO THE RIVER! © 2019 Walt Hampton A winding, narrow dirt road beside the river leads to the homeplace.  The old house sits on the end of a finger ridge, high and dry above the riverbottom, far enough away to be safe from the seasonal flooding but still…

13, Jul 2019

LAND USE MANAGEMENT: WORKING TOGETHER FOR THE FUTURE © 2019 Walt Hampton   The Appalachian region is a complex amalgamation of high, steep mountain ridges punctuated with small, deep valleys and an amazing abundance of water.  Stretching from Maine to Georgia, as a land form it is unique on the…