28, Mar 2024
Picking Wild Strawberries by Ann Brown

This morning, when I sat down to drink my coffee, I noticed the wild strawberry design on the cup. Instantly my thoughts were transported to our upper pasture land on the mountain in Virginia. Lots of wild strawberries used to grow there. That was seventy some years ago. My older…

28, Mar 2024
Old Barns & Barnyards by Ann Brown

Almost everyone loves old barns, I know I do. Quite a few of them still stand over the countryside. They are all different; showing various styles, strengths and personalities. Whether red, brown, white or gray and weathered, each one is special. Some have happy faces, others stand strong in times…

28, Mar 2024
Old Bonnie & Me by Ann Brown

Horses are beautiful animals. Some of them have a grace and form that is striking. I love to watch them when they run across the field with their mane and tail flowing in the wind. It is almost poetic. Then there was Bonnie, our old brown work horse. There was…

28, Mar 2024
Finding Our Fortunes by Ann Brown

Winter had passed and school was out for summer vacation. One day I was up at my friend Kay’s house to spend the afternoon. She wanted to go over to her great grandpa’s old farm where her dad was working about a half a mile away. When we arrived he…

28, Mar 2024
Telling Our Fortunes by Ann Brown

One summer my Great Aunt Charity Ann had a visitor. She was a distant relative who claimed she could see your future by reading the palms of your hands – Charge .25 cents. A fortune teller in our community! My friend Kay and I, at ten and eleven years old,…

28, Mar 2024
Following Dad to the Mountain by Ann Brown

It was a chilly spring morning in May. A brand new day full of possibilities. After breakfast, Dad told my Mom that he was going to our upper pasture land in Virginia. He needed to check on the sheep, especially two late lambs that were born in April. I got…

28, Mar 2024
The Blacksmith Shop by Ann Brown

My dad’s blacksmith shop set at the lower end of our meadow beside the dirt road. It was a small wooden building that held his tools and big equipment. During the winter months and the rainy days of summer Dad had lots of smithy work to do. Neighboring farmers brought…

28, Mar 2024
The Old Wood Stove by Ann Brown

The old wood cook stove looked huge compared to the other furnishings in our little kitchen. Just inside the back door, and to the right, set a small wooden table. A metal bucket of fresh water and a dipper for drinking set on top. There was also a metal wash…

28, Mar 2024
From Cellar to Kitchen to Table by Ann Brown

As a little girl, I loved to go with my Mom to our old cellar. It had been dug back into the hill years ago. The front was made of flat field stones stacked up on each other and there was a wooden door. With no windows, it was very…

28, Mar 2024
The Sentinel by Ann Brown

The last surviving apple tree on our farm stood sentinel for over eighty years. It grew at the upper side of the garden, in front of the old cellar, near the woodshed and pretty close to our house. Originally we had apple, cherry, peach and pear trees on our property.…