29, Jan 2020
The Cyclone in the Mountains by Jennifer Kinsler

Many tragedies have occurred in the Appalachian Mountains throughout time. During times of war, men lost their lives fighting for this great country.  Incurable sicknesses without the assistance of modern medicine or technology claimed innumerable people.  Natural weather related disasters have claimed many lives throughout history all over the world. …

22, Jan 2020
Sears & Roebuck Houses by Jennifer Kinsler

In the late 1800’s, more than half of Americans were living in small towns. In rural Appalachia, many families ordered items from the famous Sears Catalog called the “Big Book.” Items such as clothing, farming equipment, housewares, medicines and more could be ordered from this book. Copies of these books…

15, Jan 2020
Over Home by Jennifer Kinsler

My little hometown, Sneedville, lies near the Tennessee – Virginia border.  Hancock County is named for John Hancock, who was a patriot in the American Revolution, a president of the 2nd Continental Congress, and Governor of Massachusetts. The population is roughly over 6,000 for the entire county, although just over…

8, Jan 2020
Livesay Mill by Jennifer Kinsler

In early Pioneer days, a working water-powered grist mill could be found every few miles in a community. Families made trips on occasion to purchase flour and meal. One such mill near the Tennessee-Virginia line was in Hancock County, Tennessee, called Livesay Mill.  It was built in the late 1800’s…

1, Jan 2020
Let’s Go Courting by Jennifer Kinsler

Going courting involved getting to see or spend some time with your significant other.  In the mountains, early families did not allow their children to go courting alone.  Normally, a brother or sister had to go along.  Many times the beau had to come to the home of the girl…

21, Dec 2019
The Family Bible by Jennifer Kinsler

A treasured family heirloom was the family bible. There were not many homes that didn’t have a bible in early Appalachian days. In fact, this was usually the only book in the home.  Children as well as adults learned to read from the family bible. During early school days, the…

14, Dec 2019
Family Reunions by Jennifer Kinsler

Over the years, there has seemed to be a decline in the gatherings we call family reunions. In the old days, families would get together on someone’s farm. Relatives from all over, even those living in different states, would make their way back home. This was an exciting time for…

11, Dec 2019
Appalachian Mountain Families by Jennifer Kinsler

To many outsiders, families in Appalachia were often viewed as living in the remote and isolated mountains where people were starving and ignorant. This is far from truth. My great-grandma, Ethel, was the 5th of 14 children. She was raised by her parents in a one room sawmill lumber home…

4, Dec 2019
Appalachian Quilts by Jennifer Kinsler

Many women in Appalachia were dedicated quilt makers.  My grandmothers were no exception to the women who sewed quilts for their families. During the time when cotton was king of the south, Grandma Ethel worked in cotton mills in Tennessee and South Carolina. Her mother had taught her how to…

27, Nov 2019
Old Fashion Cooking by Jennifer Kinsler

Sawmill gravy with cornbread, hog jawl, fried chicken, chocolate dumplins’, soup beans and taters, fresh garden mater and onions. These were just a few of the good home cooked meals we enjoyed growing up in Appalachia. Freshly sliced cukes would make a good plate garnishment as well. Many of us…