5, Dec 2018
Don’t Get Above Your Raisin’ by Dana K. Harrington

“Young lady, now don’t go gettin’ above your raisin’!” I heard this quite a few times as I was growing up and most of the time it was when I had my “sassy pants” on and my smart mouth was running. The phrase was usually met with rolling eyes, crossed…

29, Nov 2018
That Accent! by Dana K. Harrington

Growing up in a secluded mountain valley in Southwest Virginia everybody talked alike. I never knew there was even a difference in “accents” until I was older and traveled out of the valley and started noticing that other people didn’t talk like me. When I say “it sure is bright…

24, Nov 2018
I Am Thankful by Dana K. Harrington

For this Thanksgiving week’s article I started going through old pictures which always send me sailing down memory lane! So I decided to do a list of the things that I am most thankful for growing up in Comers Rock. I am thankful for being able to spend my childhood…

13, Nov 2018
Clothes (and Chickens) On The Line by Dana K. Harrington

Ahhhhh…..that feeling of crawling into bed with clean sheets that have been dried on the clothesline. They smell like the fresh air and sunshine! Wait, isn’t that a dryer sheet commercial?!? When I was little I remember wanting to be big enough to hang out clothes on the line for…

6, Nov 2018
Swinging On A Grapevine by Dana K. Harrington

Recently I saw a picture on social media of a kid swinging on a grapevine. The writing on the picture said “How many of you remember doing this?”. So that got me thinking of all of the fun times I had growing up without constantly sitting in front of the…

30, Oct 2018
Cuttin’ Corn and Puttin’ Up Hay by Dana K. Harrington

On the farm, along with the daily milking routine, came seasonal work that had to be done to get ready for winter. In the Summer hay had to be cut and “put up” or stored in barns and sheds. In the Fall, the corn that was planted in the Spring…

23, Oct 2018
Comers Rock Community Club by Dana K. Harrington

Sloppy Joes…….yep, that is one of the first things I think about when I hear someone mention the Comers Rock Community Club. When I was young the Comers Rock Community Club met the third Friday night of every month in the old Comers Rock Schoolhouse. Everyone would bring potluck and…

16, Oct 2018
Going To Milk by Dana K. Harrington

One, two, three, four, five……… One of the first memories I have of milking was getting to go with Daddy sometimes to the Kraft plant fifteen miles away in Independence. Every morning Daddy would load the milk cans full of fresh milk on the back of our old farm truck…

9, Oct 2018
Hog Killin’ Time by Dana K. Harrington

Thanksgiving Day – To most people when they hear these two words thoughts of gathering with family and friends for a wonderful meal of turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, cranberry sauce, football and an afternoon nap dance happily through their minds. When I hear someone talk about Thanksgiving,…

2, Oct 2018
Going To Church/Homecoming by Dana K. Harrington

Sunday mornings consisted of getting up, eating the wonderful breakfast that my Nanny had made which 99% of the time included pork (sausage, streaked meat, backbones or bacon), eggs, gravy and homemade biscuits. (Side note: Streak-ed (two syllables) meat or fatback was our own version of bacon. It was salted…