12, Jul 2018
DISAPPEARING CHILDREN . . . by Debbie Turner

This is the last post in my series of Faded Memories. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been together for thirteen weeks! I am thankful to Appalachian Memory Keepers for allowing me the opportunity to share some pointers on keeping your photographic history intact. I sincerely hope that you enjoyed…

6, Jul 2018
Take Him Out!

A customer brought an old wrinkled image into the studio one afternoon. It was a snapshot from the late 1940s that had some fading and a few wrinkles. She said, “That’s my grandpa with my cousin. My cousin was such a brat, he always took up too much of my…

5, Jul 2018
Family Portraits by Debbie Turner

Years ago it was fashionable to have family portraits – groups and individual family members. Can’t you remember the groans and complaining when time for ‘family pictures’ rolled around? Unfortunately, that tradition is not as strong as it once was, primarily because of cell phones and the casual and disposable…

28, Jun 2018
Over There by Debbie Turner

I’ve restored many images of those who fought for our freedom – several images were on tintype, some were daguerreotypes, some were long pictures of the entire squadron or company of soldiers. Others were faded Kodak snapshots, but regardless, they were important images of someone my customer loved. More importantly,…

21, Jun 2018
The Buggy Ride by Debbie Turner

Yesterday, Appalachian Memory Keepers asked about horses in your life, stating that ‘horses were an integral part of every Appalachian farm. This story is also about horses, sort of …. Once upon a time, the horse and buggy was the primary mode of short-distance personal transportation. Many people often couldn’t…

14, Jun 2018
The Cigarette Man and the Southern Cross of Honor by Debbie Turner

This portrait was in pretty bad condition…torn, stained and missing some parts. The family ‘found’ this picture of their great-great grandfather stuffed in the back of a closet when they were cleaning out an aunt’s house. It was not framed and the many years of abuse had taken its toll…

7, Jun 2018
TAKE HIM OUT! by Debbie Turner

A customer brought an old wrinkled image into the studio one afternoon. It was a snapshot from the late 1940s that had some fading and a few wrinkles. She said, “That’s my grandpa with my cousin. My cousin was such a brat, he always took up too much of my…

31, May 2018
Cigar Man by Debbie Turner

An elderly man came into the studio one day and said he had a picture of himself that he wanted me to look at. He wanted to see if I could make a copy for him before his picture ‘wore out.’ He opened his wallet, looked though the folded and…

24, May 2018
The ‘Joy’ of Marriage – Wedded Bliss by Debbie Turner

Have you ever wondered why your ancestors are not smiling in those pictures you inherited? Very early pictures usually showed people not smiling. There are several theories as to why most people in those images look so stern. Sometimes one had to sit very still for a good while, because…

10, May 2018
Van Winkle, aka, James Jefferson Porter by Debbie Turner

You just never know what objects will find their way into my studio! Every day is an adventure and a mystery waiting to be solved! This man’s image was on a very large button that was brought to me. Unfortunately, It had turned a dreadful shade of yellow. Known as…