3, Jul 2018
Ghost Stories By Mickey Pruitt

I don’t think it would be proper if while sharing memories and stories if we didn’t discuss things of a haunted nature. I’m sure many of us grew up hearing ghost story or two told by family, friends or schoolmates. Most were entertaining and some down right scary. I would…

26, Jun 2018
The Pruitt’s By Mickey Pruitt

I think it’s time to remember the the Pruitt side of the family. My Dad grew up in Laurel Springs about a mile north on the Blue Ridge Parkway from what is now Freeborne’s and Stations Inn. It was quite a large family of 17 children. With a big age…

19, Jun 2018
Let’s Play Just a Little Longer By Mickey Pruitt

After such a great response from my previous tale of our childhood exploits, I thought I could add just a bit more. Everyone already knows our love of the water. It didn’t have to be deep to play. The hills and hollers are full of small springs, and if you…

12, Jun 2018
The Lopsided Family Tree By Mickey Pruitt

I wouldn’t call myself anything like an expert, but I know a little bit of my family history. Sometimes, I have many more questions than answers. With the stories I’ve told and where I grew up, I think it would be appropriate to share a little background on the Sheets…

12, Jun 2018
Play Time By Mickey Pruitt

From all the memories I have shared to date it might seem that all we ever did was work. That would be a false assumption. Aside from occasional visitors, my playmates were my younger brother and sister. We had two favorite places to play, the woods and the creek. Now,…

12, Jun 2018
The Family Bible By Mickey Pruitt

I will begin this memory with a short history lesson to put things in context. History was always my favorite subject in school. Most people do not know that it was illegal for any printer in the “Colonies” to reproduce the English Bible. Oxford and Cambridge University press, as well…

12, Jun 2018
Stacking Hay By Mickey Pruitt

Back in days gone by, before Christmas trees were a major crop, bailing hay in the summer was a back breaking process. Most men of a certain age and more than a few women remember it well. Walking behind a large truck or a farm tractor with a trailer, over…

8, May 2018
Old Iron Pot By Mickey Pruitt

Memories can be triggered by so many different things, a photograph, a smell or even objects. Take for instance the old iron pot that hangs in my mothers yard as a planter. It has a purpose and looks nice, a sort of retirement from a long life of hard work.…

1, May 2018
Pulling Leaves By Mickey Pruitt

I am so happy to share all these memories from childhood and I am grateful that others find them interesting as well as entertaining. Best of all are the folks who are reminded of their own memories. Lets go for another drive. As we know, money was always in short…

24, Apr 2018
Uncle Rudd By Mickey Pruitt

Good morning everyone! Time for another memory. This trip will be about my beloved Uncle Rudd. Rudd Sheets was my grandmother Wyatt’s younger and only brother. Five girls and one boy in the family. They grew up in a traditional chestnut log house on the site of my mothers current…