29, Dec 2020
C.C. Stump by Scott Ballard

In this edition of Appalachian Moments we roam the hillsides with a saddle bag preacher! In the aftermath of the Civil War, which had pitted brother against brother and neighbor against neighbor in the South many families moved because of the continued bad blood and post-war poverty in their communities.…

22, Dec 2020
Coal by Scott Ballard

Today on Appalachian Moments we stoke the debate on coal and share stories of growing up in coal country. This podcast is personal. I understand the love/hate relationship with coal. While I have never mined it personally, I grew up in Eastern Kentucky with coal literally surrounding me. My family’s…

15, Dec 2020
O Death by Scott Ballard

A hundred years ago, it was bad news if you received a letter with black on the edges…join us on Appalachian Moments and we’ll discover why! Families back when experienced death more often. What do you think that means and why? Several reasons, first, families were much bigger and childhood…

8, Dec 2020
Albert Hash by Scott Ballard

We pay a literary tribute to a musical legend of the High Country of NC. The phrase “pay it forward” might be a bit overused these days, but no one exemplifies it better than Albert Hash of Grayson County, Virginia who paid forward his love of mountain music. In 1917,…

24, Nov 2020
Over the Top with the 80th, Pt. 3 by Scott Ballard

In this final episode of the three-part series, “Over the Top with the 80th,” private Rush Young watches from the front lines as World War I intensifies, and the Allies finally begin to push back, but how is this North Carolina mountain boy going to make it through? Young was…

22, Nov 2020
Over the Top with the 80th, Pt. 2 by Scott Ballard

In this second of a three part series called “Over the Top with the 80th” Ashe County, NC private Rush Young finally reaches France to fight the Germans in World War I, but discovers that he’ll have other battles before he reaches the front line trenches. Fresh-faced and ready to…

22, Nov 2020
Over the Top with the 80th, Pt. 1 by Scott Ballard

Today in Appalachian Moments, we celebrate the end of World War I (November 2018) by reliving a fascinating first-hand account of a farm boy from Ashe County, North Carolina in our 3-part series “Over the Top with the 80th.” Rush Young, who was raised in Grassy Creek, NC, was 23…

22, Nov 2020
Is it sorghum or is it molasses? by Scott Ballard

In this edition of Appalachian Moments, and in the Fall of the year, we have a tasty test to determine how Southern you are, all you have to do is answer a simple question, stay tuned. This question is a bit more involved than the you say ‘potato, I say…

22, Nov 2020
A mysterious graveyard in Slipper Hill by Scott Ballard

In today’s edition of Appalachian Moments, we travel to a mysterious graveyard in the Slipper Hill area of Avery County, North Carolina. There have been mysterious lights seen on the Slipper Hill graveyard by different people for many years…a lady known as Aunt Dixie said her mother called them “tokens,”…

22, Nov 2020
Chasing waterfalls by Scott Ballard

If you visit nearby Linville Falls or the Cascades off the Blue Ridge Parkway and generally there are people everywhere. Why have we been drawn to waterfalls for millennia? That question occurred to me recently while chasing waterfalls in and around Asheville, Hendersonville and Brevard, North Carolina. I often say…